Wednesday 2 December 2015

My Christmas Wish List 2015

Christmas is probably my favourite time of year. 
Aside from the outrageous amount of food that becomes acceptable to consume, I love the Christmas atmosphere. 
For that reason I don't know how well I'd cope spending Christmas in a hot country, there's something so cosy and snug about winter in England, despite the rain and wind. 
(And the lack of snow).
Something I love more now than I ever have about Christmas is the excitement for seeing other people open the presents that you've bought them. Since I've been working, buying presents is always such a rewarding task. 
People always seem happier at Christmas. 

Anyway, I thought I'd put together a few of my favourites that are around at the moment and some of the things I'm hoping for this year! 

My Christmas Wish List 2015

1. Maybelline Master Precise Liquid Eyeliner - for someone who is hopeless at make up, this eye liner has been a God send. It is so easy to use and stays on really well. 

2.Barry M Gelly High Shine Nail Polish - gel nail varnishes, aside from being gloriously soft and shiny, stay on for so much longer than others. I highly recommend Barry M nail varnish. 

3.Candy Cane Yankee Candle- I'm a sucker for a good candle. I have two next to me as I'm writing this! Christmas scents are always something I get excited about. Yankee candles are a little pricey but luckily there are some amazing affordable alternatives out there, woop woop! 

4.Roll Neck Short Sleeve Jumper- I'm really loving chunky roll neck jumpers recently. I'm also loving poncho style jumpers. For me there's nothing like snuggling up in a big knit jumper with tea and chocolate at Christmas time.

5.Oversized Scarf- I've seen these oversized scarves on a few people recently and they just look so mega snug! 

6.Metcalfe Skinny Popcorn- Christmas time is a time for snacking. Lots of snacking can often lead to lots of guilt. Popcorn is a way around this, I find anyway! 

7.Costa's Christmas Menu- I AM OBSESSED. Caramel Fudge Hot Chocolates are the most delicious and warming thing ever. There are also so many other yummy things on there so go check it out! 

8.Christmas Bedding- one day I will own festive bedding! I love the colours and patterns on some of the bedding that's around. 

9.Chelsea Boots- I feel as though these would go with anything. I also find these boots so comfy and perfect for winter. 

10.Fairy Lights- Christmas isn't right without twinkly lights! 

I have seen a lot of comments recently that it's too early for Christmas. 
If decorating early and listening to Christmas songs makes you happy then why not do it?
I certainly won't be getting in the way of anyone's happiness! 

Let's start the countdown! 

23 days & counting. 

'til next time, 
Hannah xo

Monday 16 November 2015

Autumn Positivity

After a stressful few months for everyone with a new school year, UCAS applications for some and various other decisions for others, school-wise everything is beginning to calm down ready for Christmas! (breathe...)

The festive season is rolling around and despite the world not being quite at peace we can all do our bit to make sure it keeps spinning.

SO wrap up warm, keep strong and stay happy this autumn/winter/ CHRISTMAS!

Today I decided to go for a walk and see what lovely autumnal scenes I could find!
Here are some photos I took!



I hope you enjoyed browsing these photos.
Don't forget to keep smiling.
Now more than ever is the time to embrace each day and enjoy it to the full. 

Friday 16 October 2015

Some Thoughts

I've been meaning to make a YouTube video about this for a while now but I'm yet to do so, therefore I am going to try to express this in writing. (Which is also sometimes easier!)

Due to recent world affairs, discussion of racism, discrimination and equality has become a very common. 

In school we have had assemblies and watched videos on these issues and it has really got me thinking about where I stand with it. 

It really frustrates me when I see people sharing blatantly racist posts and photos that are supposedly supporting 'British Pride'. 

What does it really mean to be British? 

I think that the answer to that question has no solid answer. Each person who considers themselves British has a reason behind it, whether you were born here or whether you are now a citizen here, everyone has their own reason. 

However, discrimination stretches further than racism. 

People are discriminated against because of their race, their sexuality, their religion, their weight, their job, their class, their interests, their clothes, their gender, their age. The list goes on. 

Society has created so many different categories for people and so many different labels that it is almost impossible not to be associated with a stereotype in one way or another. 

Why should a person be defined by a stereotype that society has created for them? 

I watched a video the other day of a TED talk by an amazing woman that has made me think a lot. 

She spoke about 'unconscious biases' and how without even thinking we assume things about people with no proper reasoning to just because of what we know about their race, religion, gender or sexuality.
We judge people based on their labels, without even speaking to them. 
We develop preconceived ideas of people just by the stereotype associated with the label society has given them.

Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, interests, opinions and ways of life. 

What gives anyone the right to get in the way of that? 

People shouldn't be defined by their 'labels'.

Just because I like watching Pretty Little Liars doesn't mean I have an identical personality to everyone else who likes it too.

Just because I like pizza doesn't mean I'm exactly the same as everyone else who likes pizza. 
Just because I like listening to Bring Me The Horizon every now and again doesn't mean I'm their biggest fan and that's all I listen to. 

So why should people with certain beliefs, interests and ways of life be automatically generalised to fit the stereotype of what you've heard about other people with the same beliefs, interests and ways of life. 

As soon as people are put into categories, there will be conflict. 

Let's remove the labels.

Let's try and take people for who they are rather than who we think they are. 

Just a thought. 

'til next time, 
Hannah xo

Here's a link to the TED talk I watched : What does my headscarf mean to you?

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Body Shaming

This week I've been thinking about something that has been very apparent in the media recently.

The concept of people 'shaming' each other for being a certain shape or size is something that I haven't ever understood.

I was motivated to write this post after seeing this photo on my Facebook news feed last night:
A number of my Facebook friends were also expressing their confusion and dislike for these kind of photos that are covering social media.

In my opinion there is no figure that should be percived to be more or less desireable than another.
Surely it is up to the individual how they look, and equally up to the individual who they find attractive.
To teach young girls that there is a specific body shape that is universally desired is not only a lie, but ultimately leads to dissatisfaction with their own bodies.

As well as creating a generation of girls who are filled with self doubt and low self-esteem, these kinds of photos also create expectations of what should be found attractive and desireable within society.

I obviously am not trying to promote clinical obesity and being severely underweight, but I also feel that these two scenarios should be completely detached from this issue. Body shapes and sizes due to medical conditions are not what is being discussed under the title of 'body shaming'.

From what I've watched and read 'body shaming' concerns people 'shaming' those of a particular size.
For example, people who are naturally slim being 'shamed' for being 'too thin' and undesirable to men as presented in the photo above. Or alternatively, those who are considered slightly overweight being 'shamed' for being 'fat' and again, undesirable to men.
It almost seems that body shaming occurs mainly on the basis of what is attractive to men?!
 What happened to girl power?

It angers me that there are even categories for body shapes and sizes. People's weights shouldn't be relevant outside of a medical context.
The fact that women are categorising each other and promoting 'shaming' between categories is something that I don't think I'll ever understand.

After speaking to some male friends it is apparent that body shaming does occur between males as well as females. Men have an ideal that they feel they should be to be at their upmost desirable. However this is less apparent in the media than the shaming between females.

I've been thinking about this recently because of the surplus of tweets, photos and statuses I have seen relating to this kind of thing.
Don't even get me started on that 'Don't Judge Challenge' phase. What even was that. 
By sharing these photos you are encouraging the spread of such a harmful message that plants ideas of ideals.

Be part of the fight against body shaming.
We should be trying to promote self confidence to everyone, not just a certain 'category'.

Social media is such a powerful tool, use it wisely.
Think before you share.
Think about the message you're sharing.
'til next time
Hannah xo

Thursday 1 October 2015


I have recently stumbled into the life consuming world of Netflix. 
And I have to admit...I love it. 

Aside from binging on Pretty Little Liars, American Horror Story and Orange Is The New Black, I have also found myself spending hours watching various documentaries. 

I know this might sound boring, but I can assure you it's not. 

I've recently watched Billie JD Porter's series of documentaries on BBC Three about China. By sitting, on my sofa with a cup of tea and a ridiculous amount of popcorn I have managed to educate myself on current issues and culture across China. Got your interest yet? 

My point is, that if you are interested in the world, there are more ways of finding out about it than watching the news and reading the papers. There are so many documentaries around exploring alternative and edgy topics that you didn't even know existed. 

Netflix allows me to watch documentaries by one of my favourite journalists, Louis Theroux. 

He is one of my favourites not only because of his entertaining presentation and likeable character, but also because of the way he takes risks to explore issues and lifestyles. 

Through watching these programs I have developed an opinion on things. I've started asking questions and researching things that I never would've even considered before. 

Should killer whales be kept in captivity and used for our entertainment?

Just how much is happening to stop the ever growing drug war?
Can severe poverty be eliminated?
How much do we really know? 

What I'm really trying to say is, when you're sat with nothing to do, find something to watch. 

  • BBC iPlayer
  • All 4
  • iTV Player
  • Netflix

You might discover something that takes your interest! 

Or you might just go back to watching Dexter. 
Just a thought!

'til next time

Hannah xo

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Am I Making The Right Decision?

This is a question I have asked myself many times over the last few years. 

Should I have bought that top?

Should I have eaten those waffles?
Should I have done that homework when it was set?
Should I have said that to my friend? 

However, now when I ask myself that decision, the context is a little more serious. 

Throughout school I have always felt that when you hop off the High School Train at the end of Year 11, there was no better option than to stay at sixth form and study A Levels for two years. 

But was that really the right decision? Was that what I really wanted, or was it what everyone else wanted me to do? 

After spending my first year in sixth form I have found that the answer to that question is yes. There are ups and downs throughout the year but ultimately, I thoroughly enjoy my subjects and this was in fact the right choice for me.

Although that doesn't mean that it is the right choice for everyone. I know people who made different choices at the end of Year 11, some took on apprenticeships or full time employment. Whereas others made the decision to go to college. 

I have also seen the outcomes of these decisions, for some people their decision was perfect. For others, not so. 

But what I've also come to realise is that, it doesn't matter. 

Just because you make a decision at any given time doesn't mean it is the be all and end all. You are in control. 

Don't let persuasive discussions with persuasive people make up your mind for you. Don't feel as though you are expected to take a certain pathway just because it feels as though everyone else is. 

My school highly promote going to university. Almost as if any other option is slightly inferior to the pathway of university. IT IS NOT. 

You need to know what you want to do and how to get there. If that means an apprenticeship- do it. If that means a year or two at college- do it. If you just want to leave school and never be in that environment ever again- DO IT! 

There have been several times recently where I've had to step back and ask myself-

'Is this really what I want?' 

Going to university is quite a scary prospect, leaving home and wandering alone into the unknown. 

But I have made the decision that going to university is something I want to do. I've chosen a course that excites me and interests me. But this decision is by no means the end of my journey. 

The point I really wanted to emphasise in this post is, don't let anyone tell you what to do. 

Make your own decisions based on what you really want, not on what you feel everyone thinks you should want. 

So, this is what I've been thinking about recently!

I hope you enjoyed this post,
'til next time. 
Hannah xo

Saturday 15 August 2015

Summer 2015 Day Trips Vol 6: Dine Desserts

Today Michael and I spent the day in Worcester. 

We shopped around the high street and then decided to venture to the new dessert bar in town. 

I've heard a lot of good things about Dine Desserts but as I have a particularly sweet tooth myself, I wanted to check it out. 

 The first thing we saw as we walked in was this amazing array of ice creams. 
We were immediately met by the enthusiastic staff who couldn't have been more helpful. 

We browsed the menu which included various waffles, ice creams, hot cookie doughs and frozen yoghurt. As well as an interesting selection of milkshakes. 

We decided to order a Kinder Bueno Milkshake. 

As you can imagine, we were pleasantly surprised when this was delivered to our table! 

With delicious chunks of Kinder Bueno and lots of whipped cream, Dine Desserts was definitely living up to it's reputation. 

There was a wide selection of waffles with different flavours and toppings, however, as we were sharing we had to find one that suited both of us. 
There was also the option to create your own combination! 

The decision was handed to me (woo!) and I ordered.....

A warm Belgian waffle with Cookies & Cream ice cream, chocolate pieces, chocolate sauce and whipped cream. 

Yet again, they delivered this masterpiece. 

And it tasted just as good as it looked. 

It's safe to say we thoroughly enjoyed our visit to Dine Desserts.
It's also probably hard to believe that food that looks and tastes this good is also surprisingly affordable! (Which for students such as myself is highly beneficial!)

I would definitely recommend Dine Desserts and I will definitely be returning again! 

Where should I visit next?
til next time, 
Hannah xo

Their website:Dine Desserts

Friday 7 August 2015

Summer 2015 Day Trips Vol 5: Algarve, Portugal

I have honestly missed writing on here so much. 

I have so many thoughts and feelings about things but finding a cohesive way to say it is always the tricky bit! 


I have spent the last week in Portugal. 

Despite spending a lot of time relaxing and doing NOTHING, we did take some time out to visit some local areas and have an explore. (Which is undoubtedly my favourite part of travelling!) 

So I thought I'd share with you some photos, thoughts and feelings based around my time in Portugal. 

Without further ado....


After a few days by the pool we ventured out in search of a beach.
Finley wanted to do some digging of course!
We drove not too far before stumbling across this beautiful sight!
Just further down the hill were some steps down onto the beach, we sat in the sun and swam in the sea.
There was also a little cafe at the top of the stairs which as well as selling meals also sold take-away chips and drinks which was perfect for an afternoon snack on the beach!


The next day we ventured out to old town Albuferia after hearing that there was a market on! (The first & third Tuesday of every month)
We wandered around all of these little streets looking in all of the little shops!
It was scorching in the midday heat but totally worth it and shade wasn't far away.
We found a little sea front restaurant where we hid out and had some lunch. They had these awesome fans everywhere that sprayed mist onto you. DEFINITELY NEEDED!
The whole town is littered with adorable cafes and restaurants with amazing food and lovely looking ice creams. Yum. 
We had a couple of meals out around this harbour. The whole area is surrounded by hundreds of restaurants which will cover all of your foody needs. Restaurants serving, Indian, Italian and Chinese food as well as classic Irish pubs and Portuguese specialities too- Piri Piri!
The best part about visiting here is that it is almost guaranteed that you will be able to find a restaurant with seats overlooking this beautiful harbour. The yachts are beyond incredible and watching the sunset is understandably stunning.
We had meals in two of the restaurants and crepes and ice cream in two more. 

 On the last day we left the villa in the morning and spent the day looking around a city called Faro. I love exploring the old towns with cobbled streets and little shops. We walked around for a while before finding a lovely cafe which served amazing coffee (the coffee was all good to be honest!) and magnificent glasses of orange juice. We munched fresh pastries and sipped our drinks to cool down. 
When wandering around the old streets we came across a quaint high street with some designer shops! We shopped around and had a mooch, everything seemed so cheap. 
We then grabbed some lunch at a little Pizzaria overlooking the marina before heading off to the airport. 

As much as I love my fair share of chilling by the pool and messing around on inflatables and reading a good book, the memories of travelling that stick with me the most are the memories of days spend exploring, trying new foods and finding hidden treasures. 

What's your favourite thing about travelling?

til next time. 

Hannah xo

New YouTube Video - Villa Tour

Wednesday 22 July 2015

Taking On A New Mindset

I recently did a vlog in which I spoke about the sudden moment of realisation that I had last week. 

That vlog is here: Ranting In A Field

But after blabbing on for five minutes I've decided to reinforce what I meant and try and make what I was saying a little more cohesive. 

This post isn't going to be about anxiety and Emetophobia but they are two key parts of my life that have been holding me back for many years. There are things I wouldn't do and places I wouldn't go because of these things. 

It is only recently that I have managed to take control and change myself for the better.

I spent last week at my school helping out some of the teachers with the activity they were running for lower school. 

This activity involved running around the school and using the clues that they found to come up with a creative explanation of which teachers were aliens and why. 
Now...considering what I've been doing for the last few years, exams and revision, having an activity like that presented to you would have been bliss, right? 

Over the course of the week I watched several teams of people pass through this activity. With mixed attitudes obviously. Some loved it and some treated it as though it was the biggest chore in the world. 

That was when I realised just how little lower school appreciate how easy their lives within school are. It was also when I realised just how little I appreciated how easy my life was when I was in lower school. 

I spent my Year 7, 8, 9 days worrying about friends and homework. Both of which felt like such a huge deal. To me it was the end of the world if I didn't pass my end of term Combined Science paper and get a Level 5a when my friends were getting 7c. (I don't even think those gradings are a thing anymore). 

Little did I know that from then on, it was going to get harder. A lot harder and probably never easier ever again. 

Now my life is consumed by exams, revision, applications, work experience, UCAS, universities, as well as trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle and a successful social life. 

Don't get me wrong, my life as I know it is by no means 'difficult'. But, what I'm saying, is that compared to what I'd been worrying about for the first three years of high school, I have far more justification for my stresses now. 

This led me on to thinking about how much I regret not making the most of every care free day. I wish I could go back to my 4 year old self and say, enjoy yourself, everyday. 


This is this new thing I'm trying. 
I've come to the conclusion that different stresses and responsibilities are going to appear over the next few years and I'll be wishing I could relive the care free 17 year old days. 
I don't want to think back on these next few years wishing I'd made the most of it.

I want to live everyday to the full. 

I want to do as much as I can, while I have the time and money to do so. 
I want to travel while I have no commitments.
I want to see friends while I have no restrictions. 

I want to make memories that I'll never forget and be glad that I've made the most of everyday. 

So yeah, this is what I've been thinking about over the last few days. 
I hope this has motivated you to take on the same mindset and make the most of everyday before it's too late! 

'til next time,
Hannah xo

Wednesday 8 July 2015

Summer 2015 Day Trips Vol 4: Sea Life Centre

To celebrate the birthday of my fella, we took a trip to the Sea Life Centre in Birmingham.

As well as the aim of the day being- 'Lets go and have a laugh and do voices for the fish' I also wanted to visit Sea Life as I hadn't been since I was very little.

As attractions like these are mainly aimed at young children we went with open minds and were pleasantly surprised.

The displays were amazing and the animals that they have there are honestly stunning.

We started our day with a stroll around the Bullring shopping centre.

Then we grabbed ourselves a quick Pizza Express. I've always loved the food here and I always manage to persuade them to make me a half and half pizza when I just can't choose! (Also the ice cream is fab).

We then began our walk to actually find the Sea Life Centre. Despite having Google Maps, we found out that they are useless if you can't read a map. Luckily I had some idea. After asking around and taking a few wrong turns we made it. The walk wasn't actually too far...we just messed it up. ALL FUN EHY!
I booked our tickets online, and as well as a crazy discount, entry was so easy. I'd highly recommend booking online, then all you have to do is show the bar code and wullah!

The first thing you see when you walk in is this amazing display. The most ADORABLE penguins ever.
I honestly could've watched them all day. There are lots of different windows around
this enclosure too so you can watch them from different angles. 

My happy chappy!
After the penguins you enter this room. As well as having crazy rainforest decor
the room is full of different tanks full of an amazing array of creatures. 


This fella had it in for me, I could just tell. 

These totally perplexed me. You wouldn't wanna have claustrophobia if you were
one of them! 

This tank was by far my favourite. After walking around the rest of the building you are then invited to take the lift down to the ground floor. This is the first thing you see when you leave the lift. We stood for ages watching the sharks and other huge fish swim by. There's something magical about the peacefulness. 

At this point you enter a tunnel. You are surrounded by water and
the giant rays, turtles and sharks all swim around you! We spent
a really long time in here too...oops! 

This guy was awesome. We stood waiting for him to swim back around the vast
tank so that we could get some photos! It really puts into perspective the size of
these incredible animals. 


SO- That was our day! 

We spent a few hours wandering around. When you get to the end you can just walk back through and start all over again! 

Although I do find it weird that all of these animals are being stored in a warehouse in the middle of Birmingham and aren't free, I do think that attractions like this are really valuable to allow people to experience this where they otherwise couldn't. 

All in all, we had a really lovely, funny and affordable day out! 

Where should I visit next? 

til next time
Hannah xo

P.S. The photos aren't great quality this time, due to unpredictable lighting and everything being a! 

P.P.S. I have a new video up on YouTube! 

Here's a link:The Sister Tag
Please check it out & give it a like! 

Thank you, bye xoxo