Wednesday 23 September 2015

Am I Making The Right Decision?

This is a question I have asked myself many times over the last few years. 

Should I have bought that top?

Should I have eaten those waffles?
Should I have done that homework when it was set?
Should I have said that to my friend? 

However, now when I ask myself that decision, the context is a little more serious. 

Throughout school I have always felt that when you hop off the High School Train at the end of Year 11, there was no better option than to stay at sixth form and study A Levels for two years. 

But was that really the right decision? Was that what I really wanted, or was it what everyone else wanted me to do? 

After spending my first year in sixth form I have found that the answer to that question is yes. There are ups and downs throughout the year but ultimately, I thoroughly enjoy my subjects and this was in fact the right choice for me.

Although that doesn't mean that it is the right choice for everyone. I know people who made different choices at the end of Year 11, some took on apprenticeships or full time employment. Whereas others made the decision to go to college. 

I have also seen the outcomes of these decisions, for some people their decision was perfect. For others, not so. 

But what I've also come to realise is that, it doesn't matter. 

Just because you make a decision at any given time doesn't mean it is the be all and end all. You are in control. 

Don't let persuasive discussions with persuasive people make up your mind for you. Don't feel as though you are expected to take a certain pathway just because it feels as though everyone else is. 

My school highly promote going to university. Almost as if any other option is slightly inferior to the pathway of university. IT IS NOT. 

You need to know what you want to do and how to get there. If that means an apprenticeship- do it. If that means a year or two at college- do it. If you just want to leave school and never be in that environment ever again- DO IT! 

There have been several times recently where I've had to step back and ask myself-

'Is this really what I want?' 

Going to university is quite a scary prospect, leaving home and wandering alone into the unknown. 

But I have made the decision that going to university is something I want to do. I've chosen a course that excites me and interests me. But this decision is by no means the end of my journey. 

The point I really wanted to emphasise in this post is, don't let anyone tell you what to do. 

Make your own decisions based on what you really want, not on what you feel everyone thinks you should want. 

So, this is what I've been thinking about recently!

I hope you enjoyed this post,
'til next time. 
Hannah xo

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