Thursday 1 October 2015


I have recently stumbled into the life consuming world of Netflix. 
And I have to admit...I love it. 

Aside from binging on Pretty Little Liars, American Horror Story and Orange Is The New Black, I have also found myself spending hours watching various documentaries. 

I know this might sound boring, but I can assure you it's not. 

I've recently watched Billie JD Porter's series of documentaries on BBC Three about China. By sitting, on my sofa with a cup of tea and a ridiculous amount of popcorn I have managed to educate myself on current issues and culture across China. Got your interest yet? 

My point is, that if you are interested in the world, there are more ways of finding out about it than watching the news and reading the papers. There are so many documentaries around exploring alternative and edgy topics that you didn't even know existed. 

Netflix allows me to watch documentaries by one of my favourite journalists, Louis Theroux. 

He is one of my favourites not only because of his entertaining presentation and likeable character, but also because of the way he takes risks to explore issues and lifestyles. 

Through watching these programs I have developed an opinion on things. I've started asking questions and researching things that I never would've even considered before. 

Should killer whales be kept in captivity and used for our entertainment?

Just how much is happening to stop the ever growing drug war?
Can severe poverty be eliminated?
How much do we really know? 

What I'm really trying to say is, when you're sat with nothing to do, find something to watch. 

  • BBC iPlayer
  • All 4
  • iTV Player
  • Netflix

You might discover something that takes your interest! 

Or you might just go back to watching Dexter. 
Just a thought!

'til next time

Hannah xo

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