Tuesday 30 June 2015

Uni, UCAS and Useless.

My AS Level exams are over- HALLELUJAH. 

But little did I know, the end of my AS exams was most definitely not the end of Year 12. 

We arrived back at school after a particularly short study leave with fresh minds and summer excitement. Yet we were met with a tidal wave of paper work and deadlines regarding the dreaded UCAS. 

Now, I don't know about anyone else, but my brain span is only just reaching ice cream and sunbathing. I am in no frame of mind to think about what I want to be doing in a weeks time let alone a years time. 

Not only are we meant to know exactly what we want to do, we also have to be in a position to form an application in order to prepare for applying to said future prospect. 


Oh and also- we've begun next years A Level courses and we are preparing for our A2 exams. 


Thankfully I have been putting some thought into what I want to study at university and where. I managed to fit in an hour of Googling courses and open days here and there in amongst searching for work experience and the stacks of revision and homework. 

I've decided that I want to study Broadcast Journalism and therefore have spent the last couple of weeks touring the country, visiting some of the universities that provide suitable, accredited courses. 

So far I've visited 3 out of 5 of my short listed universities and I have worked out an efficient and effective way of tackling university open days:

My Top 5 Tips To Make The Most Of  A University Open Day ( what a mouthful):

1. Ensure that you check the time of your subject talk/tour- Meeting the people who will be teaching you and seeing what they have to say about the course is probably the most important part of the open day. (We all know that isn't strictly true and what we all wanna know is whether we have to share a bathroom or not, but yanno I'm trying to be a good influence)

Find out about the placement opportunities and the support that you will get from your tutors. 
Find out how the course is assessed and whether that suits you, all courses are different!
Most importantly, find out what your course specifically entails and what will be expected of you at that uni. 

2. Prioritise the other talks/tours- There are likely to be various talks throughout the day that are similar at all universities. What I have found to be beneficial, is to go to the Student Life talks. This gives you a real insight into what life will be like for you and gives you and idea as to whether life there will suit you or not. Something might grab your attention, or it might make you realise that another university's societies and opportunities might be more suited to you. 

You might also want to consider how much information about UCAS applications and personal statements you are getting at school and whether sitting through these lectures at every university is a beneficial use of your time there? Maybe a talk on accommodation might be more useful to you. 

3. Make sure you look around the accommodation- All of the photos will make everything look amazing. You need to see it for yourself. Go to the buildings and see if you can imagine yourself there, see if the rooms appeal to you. Check out the kitchens and bathrooms, and how many people will be assigned to each. It's also useful to see how near/far the accommodation is to the campus or where you will be studying. 

4. Make use of the students around you- The most useful thing I found when looking around the open days was asking the students questions. They give you honest, full answers. They've been in your position so aren't going to lie to you. Ask them where they live, about finances, about the work load and courses, hear it from the people who are doing what you're going to be doing. They're also a good source of information about part time jobs as well as opinions on the area. 

5. Look around the facilities available- If your course requires specific equipment/facilities ensure you make time to join a tour or find a way to look at them. Knowing what standard the facilities are at can hugely influence your opinion. 

You need to make sure that you address the things that are important to you. 
If you've travelled a long way to be there then make the most of it! 
Prioritise what's on offer and plan your day. 

Open days are a perfect opportunity for you to get a feel for the atmosphere and the environment that each uni gives. I think this is a really important part of making the big decision. 

I will keep you updated on my journey through UCAS & university.

til next time,
Hannah xox

Thursday 18 June 2015

My Travel Wish List

After trawling Tumblr and Pinterest for hours on end I have been inspired to ensure that I travel as much as I can. 

The world's surface is vast and I don't want to limit myself. 

I travelled around a lot with my family when I was younger. However since the development of my Emetophobia I'm slightly more reluctant to be so adventurous. (Urgh!!!)

I've gathered some of my favourite photos that I've seen & where they are and have created this..

My Top 10 Places I Want To Travel: 


I've read The Fault In Our Stars..but that isn't why I want to go!
It appears so picturesque and fascinating, historically and culturally.  

The Bahamas
I've spent hours Googling villas in the Bahamas and dreaming one day that I could be there, overlooking the sea.
You'll notice the paradise island theme throughout this post! 
I'd also love to explore the more rural side of China as well as the crazy cities.
To experience the busy streets exploding with culture and sights would be an amazing experience don't you think?
Costa Rica
I've always dreamt of going to a hidden lagoon, waterfall or cave deep in a rainforest somewhere. 
This picture of Costa Rica is magical! After exploring the rainforest, taking a dip in there! YES.
To me, Rome is such a romantic city.
As well as having amazing history and Italian food obviously.
What more could you want? 
I think it would be incredible to visit somewhere like this.
Aside from the animals and safari opportunities, to experience the culture and the communities would be an unforgettable experience.
You can't deny that what Dubai has become is incredible.
To explore what has been created and experience the sights and amazing beaches and hotels would be insane.
Need to save for this one!
New York
I've never been to America and therefore I'd love to travel across America (road trip style!)
But it is one of my dreams to live in New York, even if it's not for long.
Despite it being so close I've never been to France.
Paris is another romantic city and I think a long weekend there would be perfect. 
I know people who have travelled around Thailand and that has only made me want to go more!
Even the more urban areas I'm sure would also be an amazing experience. 

I want to travel more than anything.
I want to travel, and then write about it. Inspire more people to do the same & how to do it. 

A girl can dream ehy. 

If you've been to any of these places or know of any others I should add to my list then let me know! 

I'll probably do an updated version of this post soon! Maybe Antarctica might be on there?

'til next time,
Hannah xo

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Exploring Social Media

I've learnt that one of the most important things about being a successful blogger is the effective use of social media.

Therefore I have decided to spread my wings and fly the nest of Facebook to explore other social media websites.

This is going to be my little experiment. It is going to take a lot of time and commitment in order to be active on all of these sites frequently, but I want to see how much impact publicity through social media can make.

I shall begin here (nothing like a bit of self promo)

Twitter: @HaannahhE
Tumblr: hannsfacewords
Pinterest: @beinghannaah
Bloglovin':Being Hannah
Instagram: beinghannaah
Facebook: Hannah Ellis

I don't know how well this is going to go but I'm going to do my best to keep up with it all! I will let you know how I get on!

Lets see what we can do!

Team Internet!!

'til next time

Hannah xo

Tuesday 9 June 2015

Films You MUST See

As I've mentioned before I am a bit of an addict when it comes to films and since having access to Netflix my addiction has only become more serious. 

As a child I was way more interested in films than some of my friends making it really hard to express my enthusiasm and excitement. 

One thing that I never understood was why people cried at films. 

And now I cry at pretty much every film. Whether it's hormones or what, I don't know.

I'm happy to watch any genre of film, horrors are growing on me more now that I'm growing up a bit. (Still terrified of ghosts though!)

I will now share with you films that in my opinion, you MUST watch. 

Disclaimer: The following list does not include films previously mentioned on my Confessions of a Filmaholic post, however they are vitally important and MUST be seen as well as the following list. 

10 Films You MUST See:

1. Cast Away- Even I didn't watch this film up until very recently and I've found what has been missing in my life for the last 10 years. I SOBBED. Who knew you could become so emotionally attached to volleyball? Tom Hanks carries this film by himself in such a touching, funny and moving way. Honestly, you're missing out. 

2. Monty Python:The Holy Grail/Life of Brian- These two films are utterly ridiculous but fantastically brilliant. They are literally hours of silliness with some bizarre scenes that make you say aloud 'Who came up with this?!'. Will definitely brighten up any dark day. 

3. The Bodyguard- Despite this film being a total classic I also only experienced this one the other day. Guess what? I sobbed. Whitney Houston was so fabulous and Kevin Costner was so awesome. Just watch it. No spoilers here! 

4. I Give It A Year- This is relatively new film and that makes it so relatable and hilarious. It gives such an accurate outlook on relationships and the strains that you can't help but laugh along and nod a few times in agreement. Oops!

5. Seven- This psychological thriller will honestly have you hooked from the start. A fabulous and eye-catching (as always) performance from Brad Pitt and a particularly terrifying Kevin Spacey! This one just keeps you guessing and we all know there is nothing worse than a predictable film! 

6. Deer Hunter- This film is LONG. But stick with it. It is such an emotional rollercoaster. With some classic names in the cast list it can't not be good! There are also some historical aspects in there! It's 'educational'! 

7. The Lord of the Rings- I'm yet to watch the third but the first two are magical. These are also pretty long films but definitely worth the watch. As someone who wishes more than anything that magic was real, these films are fab. They are definite must sees. 

8. Monsters Inc- It bewilders me how people make it through childhood without watching this movie. I can't express how much I wish it was all real. The prequel was also just as fab which is rare! If there's any film that will stop a child being scared of monsters- its this one. 

9. Finding Nemo- Sticking with the Pixar theme, this one is also one of my childhood classics which I could watch everyday and still adore. A story of perseverance, determination and friendship that has some undoubtedly comical moments despite being a very sad story. 'THE TANK IS CLEAN?!' 

10. Dumb & Dumber- Jim Carrey is honestly one of my all time favourite actors. I find his mannerisms priceless. This film has me in tears...laughing. Lloyd and Harry are two men lacking in common sense, to say the least. The sequel to this which has recently come out, much to my delight was just as commendable. 

It has been so tricky to try to narrow this down to 10 films. 
I could go on for days recommending films. 

Obviously it is ultimately down to personal preference and different things appeal to different people. I hope to have covered enough genres to appeal to a wide audience of people! 

Let me know what other films I must watch! I don't want to be missing out either! 

'til next time
Hannah xo

Don't forget to check out my other post on films: Confessions of a Filmaholic 
And let me know what you'd like me to blog about next! 

Friday 5 June 2015

Summer 2015 Day Trips Vol 3: Eastnor Castle

After hearing about the Vintage Family Fun Day that Eastnor Castle were holding, my family and I decided to go and have a look around the beautiful grounds and see what was going on! 

Eastnor Castle holds events all year round, and I haven't been since I was a lot younger so I was excited to see what I could remember.

Upon arrival the view was already amazing, 

Common folk

Why can't I be a princess?

Punch&Judy show!

Despite there being hundreds of people on the grounds everywhere was so peaceful. There was a jazz band playing as people had their picnics and ice cream! 
There is an amazing adventure playground...for kids however:
I think he might be a bit big for that! 

It was a lovely day out and another wonderful addition to my Summer 2015 day trips! 

Where should I visit next?
'til next time
Hannah xo