Tuesday 4 November 2014

School vs Social

Everyone loves a good party there's no denying it.
There's nothing better than lazy days with your friends.
Exploring new cities and spending half of your time in Nandos.. P.E.R.F.E.C.T.

But where does revision and homework come into this? 

I'm lucky enough to be motivated enough to actually do my school work on the whole but sometimes...sometimes...no. 

How are we meant to balance passing our exams and enjoying ourselves?


Here are my...

Top 5 Tips: How to Not Fail At Life But Also Enjoy Yourself

1. PRIORITISE- get as much of your work done as you can in free time at school e.g. tutor periods or free periods. Leaving you with less work to do that evening and then next to no work to do at the weekend! 

2. Give yourself days off- I give myself Friday nights and Saturdays off all school work and relax for a while. That way you feel like you've had some you time, before having a lazy Sunday and doing your work you have left over from the week.

3. Use social events as incentives- If I know I have a busy weekend or party coming up, I make sure I get my work done so that I can really enjoy my weekend without stressing about work. 

4. Be spontaneous with your social life- Make plans on the day and do something fun! Get a dominoes with a group of friends or go out for the evening. This way you can have some fun and then feel better when you really have to get back to work.

5. Don't over work yourself- Make sure that you do take regular days and evenings off work because some nights you'll be really busy. You need to look after you. 

Its all about balance. School can seem like the most horrific prospect in the world, but we all know that feeling when you finish all of your work and rock back with pride. 

If school is your only worry then you have none. 

'til next time 
Hannnaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh xox

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