Sunday 9 November 2014

Things To Do On Lazy Days

I love a good day of doing nothing like the next person but sometimes I get a bit restless!

When there's no school work to be done, when you've finished your shift at work..

What to do?!

I like finding little therapeutic things to do, usually things I can do from my bed (oops, lazy!)

So here are a few ideas..(some little, some a little more interesting!)

Top 10 Ways To Spend A Lazy Day

1. Paint your nails in an interesting fashion- find new, interesting designs to attempt and try and recreate them!

2. Experiment with your make up- there is no better time to perfect your eye-liner than when you have all day and plenty of make up wipes!

3. Have a movie day on your own or with a friend- pick all of your faves or explore new films you can find (DON'T FORGET PLENTY OF FOOD- I recommend Oreo chocolate and Ben&Jerry's)

4. Or alternatively, go to the cinema- a more expensive way but also interesting and relaxed

5. Go for a long walk, take a camera and pretend you're artistic- if you're with a friend, model it up!

6. Find a new recipe and cook up something yummy!- maybe some cookies with a twist? or some cute cupcakes, everyone loves cute cupcakes..

7. SOCIAL NETWORKINGGG- browse Tumblr and YouTube, discover new places and people and music that interest could even find your idol! Get inspired.

8. Learn a musical instrument?- Instruments take a lot of time and effort to perfect, all it takes is a few hours to learn a song, then you can wow everyone the next time you have the chance!

9. Go for a run..HAHAHHHAHAH JOKE

9. Try and draw something awesome- it takes a lot of effort and perseverance but, you could create something cool!

10. Go for a meal with a friend- being spontaneous is key! Just call up a friend and go grab a Nandos or something, that's my favourite thing to do!

I hope this lil list of things allows you a productive chilled out day at some point?!


is it too early to sport these leggings? 

there will be an all things winter post soon! 

'til next time!

Hannnn xo

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