Thursday 14 September 2017

How To: Make Your Uni House A Home

Moving out is one of the biggest things I've ever done. Moving into halls was scary but so exciting. And now a year on I can safely say that so far, moving out is also one of the best things I've ever done. 

It's not easy. I wasn't ever much of a home-bird when I was younger, I didn't ever have a problem being away from home. But in my first few weeks of uni I was homesick for the first time ever. 

Something that definitely helped me overcome homesickness (other than time) was making the space around me, mine. Filling my room with my things and making it a home from home. 

I've recently moved into my house for second year with a few of the people I lived with last year. For me, the most important thing was to make this house a home as quickly as possible. 

I lived in the house on my own for the first few days and that was made so much easier by how homely my room and the rest of the house was. 

So I have a few tips and ideas about how to make your uni room/house as homely as possible to make your transition that little bit easier! 

1. Your living space 

Being sociable and spending time with friends is something that makes being away from home so much easier. Having a space that you want to spend time in makes doing that so much easier. 
These little touches can make the house feel so much more homely and most importantly- yours. 

2. House Plants

I've had this Peace Lilly since the beginning of last year. It's super easy to look after and there's something nice about having a plant in the house. It gave me something to look after in halls and now it just adds to the room. 

3.  Fairy Lights 

These are literally two empty jars with £1 Primark fairy lights in them. Personally I hate having the main lights on in a room, I find them too harsh and bright. So I decided to scatter these jars, a lamp or two around our living area. This gives such a cosy atmosphere and is super cheap and easy to do! 

I've also got a couple of sets of these fairy lights in my room which makes it feel so snug especially at night. I prefer to work from my room instead of in the library so for me it's really important to create a space I want to spend time in. 

4. Photographs & Trinkets 

Before leaving for uni my friend and I collated as many photos as we could and went to Boots.
 Boots do so many good deals when it comes to bulk printing of photos. I definitely recommend using their services so that you can create something like this in your new room. Although it's quite a lot of effort to put them up it is so worth it. Nothing makes a room more personal than the faces of your friends and family plastered all over it! 

Admittedly I will probably not touch any of these things for the duration of this year. But having these things from my room at home make it feel so much like a home from home. 

I hope you've enjoyed this little post. I'm loving living in a house instead of a flat and I can't wait to see what my second year in Sheffield brings. 

'til next time,

Hannah xo 

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