Saturday 29 November 2014

Dealing With Bullying

Bullying is something that everyone deals with throughout their lives.
Whether its cyber, physical, verbal, at one point or another, everyone experiences 'bullying'.

I'm lucky in that I've not been severely bullied throughout my school life, but I have experienced cyber bullying on several occasions and been subjected to name-calling and general nastiness throughout the whole of school. 

But sadly, many people experience bullying on a day to day basis and in more severe forms. 

Most of us will turn a blind eye to bullying and not get involved because that's the easier thing to do, stay out of it and mind your own business, right? 

I've done Primary School and High School and from my experiences here are my suggestions...

Top 5 Tips To Deal With Bullying:

1. Don't be afraid to tell people- keeping things to yourself can be really difficult especially if there is something upsetting you, tell someone. You never know, the situation might be easily sorted out with the help of other people.

2. Try not to respond to name-calling and cyber bullying- it can be near impossible to ignore people and 'be the bigger person' but it is often better, for one, then you've done nothing wrong and can't be blamed for anything. Secondly then if the bully gets no retaliation there's no entertainment in winding you up and they'll get bored. 

3. Know that it will end- you won't have to deal with being bullied forever, people change and as you get older people grow up (I KNOW, MADNESS BUT TRUST ME). Don't think that this is how your life will be, by telling someone it may end quicker than you expected!

4. If you see someone being bullied, help- if you can see someone being bullied whether in front of you or online, help them, show them that not everyone is against them. There's nothing worse than feeling like you're on your own. If you ever feel like that, chances are you're not on your own. More people need to stick up for each other.

5. Know you're the better person in the situation- if someone finds entertainment in spending their time ruining your day, they probably aren't very happy themselves. They literally have nothing better to do..bless.  People ehy!

I haven't experienced bullying to a severe degree and I consider myself lucky so don't assume that I'm experienced in this field! I just hope that these pointers will help you stay happy if you are in that position, and will make other people realise that everyone needs to do more to help prevent people feeling on their own. 

'Everything will be all right in the end, if its not all right, its not the end'

stay smiling!

'til next time
Hannah xxxx

Sunday 16 November 2014

Christmas Build Up



are just a few of my favourite things about winter. 

I love winter, I think I even prefer it to summer, oops.

There's just something about a crisp winter morning with frost and crunchy leaves don't ya think?
Maybe it's just me.
But the thing I really love the most about winter is...


Christmas is my favourite time of year, Snuggling up with blankets and watching some of the best films ever made whilst munching on chocolates and hazel nuts! It gets dark faster and I end up in bed earlier but nothing can suppress the underlying excitement that soon Christmas will really kick in. 

I know it's only November but I can't wait! 

Here are a few of my favourite things about Christmas

Top 10 Favourite Christmassy Things:

1. Celebrations- it's me so yes, I do mean the chocolates.

2. Honeycomb Hot Chocolate at Costa- mm

3. Elf- this film makes me sooooo excited and happy 

4. Chunky wooly jumpers- Topshop do some wonderful ones

5. Frost- it makes me feel like it's snowed, there's something magical about snow at Christmas

6. Late night shopping- AHHHHHHHHHHH I CANT WAIT

7. Lazy days with friends- movie days are on the rise as the weather gets colder

8. Christmas Lights- when it's really dark outside and you can see little fairly lights twinkling aw

9. Satsumas- we always have THE nicest oranges in my house at Christmas!

10. PRESENTS- I love buying presents for people, and I adore surprises

I hope this has brought you up to my level of Christmas excitement. 

Writing this has only made me more excited!!

Hope you have a wonderful build up to Christmas!

'til next time
Hannah xxxx

Sunday 9 November 2014

Things To Do On Lazy Days

I love a good day of doing nothing like the next person but sometimes I get a bit restless!

When there's no school work to be done, when you've finished your shift at work..

What to do?!

I like finding little therapeutic things to do, usually things I can do from my bed (oops, lazy!)

So here are a few ideas..(some little, some a little more interesting!)

Top 10 Ways To Spend A Lazy Day

1. Paint your nails in an interesting fashion- find new, interesting designs to attempt and try and recreate them!

2. Experiment with your make up- there is no better time to perfect your eye-liner than when you have all day and plenty of make up wipes!

3. Have a movie day on your own or with a friend- pick all of your faves or explore new films you can find (DON'T FORGET PLENTY OF FOOD- I recommend Oreo chocolate and Ben&Jerry's)

4. Or alternatively, go to the cinema- a more expensive way but also interesting and relaxed

5. Go for a long walk, take a camera and pretend you're artistic- if you're with a friend, model it up!

6. Find a new recipe and cook up something yummy!- maybe some cookies with a twist? or some cute cupcakes, everyone loves cute cupcakes..

7. SOCIAL NETWORKINGGG- browse Tumblr and YouTube, discover new places and people and music that interest could even find your idol! Get inspired.

8. Learn a musical instrument?- Instruments take a lot of time and effort to perfect, all it takes is a few hours to learn a song, then you can wow everyone the next time you have the chance!

9. Go for a run..HAHAHHHAHAH JOKE

9. Try and draw something awesome- it takes a lot of effort and perseverance but, you could create something cool!

10. Go for a meal with a friend- being spontaneous is key! Just call up a friend and go grab a Nandos or something, that's my favourite thing to do!

I hope this lil list of things allows you a productive chilled out day at some point?!


is it too early to sport these leggings? 

there will be an all things winter post soon! 

'til next time!

Hannnn xo

Tuesday 4 November 2014

School vs Social

Everyone loves a good party there's no denying it.
There's nothing better than lazy days with your friends.
Exploring new cities and spending half of your time in Nandos.. P.E.R.F.E.C.T.

But where does revision and homework come into this? 

I'm lucky enough to be motivated enough to actually do my school work on the whole but 

How are we meant to balance passing our exams and enjoying ourselves?


Here are my...

Top 5 Tips: How to Not Fail At Life But Also Enjoy Yourself

1. PRIORITISE- get as much of your work done as you can in free time at school e.g. tutor periods or free periods. Leaving you with less work to do that evening and then next to no work to do at the weekend! 

2. Give yourself days off- I give myself Friday nights and Saturdays off all school work and relax for a while. That way you feel like you've had some you time, before having a lazy Sunday and doing your work you have left over from the week.

3. Use social events as incentives- If I know I have a busy weekend or party coming up, I make sure I get my work done so that I can really enjoy my weekend without stressing about work. 

4. Be spontaneous with your social life- Make plans on the day and do something fun! Get a dominoes with a group of friends or go out for the evening. This way you can have some fun and then feel better when you really have to get back to work.

5. Don't over work yourself- Make sure that you do take regular days and evenings off work because some nights you'll be really busy. You need to look after you. 

Its all about balance. School can seem like the most horrific prospect in the world, but we all know that feeling when you finish all of your work and rock back with pride. 

If school is your only worry then you have none. 

'til next time 
Hannnaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh xox