Friday, 1 January 2016

Happy New Year!

Something that I've realised over the last few years is that, life is what you make of it. 

The influence that your frame of mind can have on your day is huge. I know that positive thinking can't always solve everything, but often the impact that it has can be surprising.

I am a very anxious person. A total worrier. This can sometimes make it very hard to think positively in situations.

At the beginning of 2015 I let my anxiety take over and it ruined so many days. Those days I will never get back. Luckily after years of practice I managed, as usual, to take control again and start thinking in a stronger, more positive mindset. 

When thinking about new years resolutions I'm often sceptical. I don't want to set myself unrealistic targets. Let's be honest, I'm not going to stop eating chocolate or work out every day. 

But this year is going to be a big year. If all goes to plan I might be moving out of my family home where I've comfortably spent the last 17 years, and moving 3 hours away to a place I've never been to.

For an anxious person this is something that is going to be incredibly challenging. 
However, I could sit here (as I sometimes do) worrying about being far away, being lonely, not liking university. Or I could sit here being excited for a new start, new friends and new opportunities. 

This year is going to be undoubtedly life changing, turning 18 in two months and moving out not long after. I hope to travel once I've finished my A Levels and enjoy my summer. I want to make the most of finishing school and taking the next step in my life, totally out of my comfort zone. 

With all of this in mind, my new years resolution is to make the most of everyday. To be positive and happy and to not let my anxiety get me down.

I hope that 2016 brings health, happiness, new opportunities and new experiences to everyone. 

And a lot of this can be influenced by our mindsets. 

I'm going to be more positive this year.

Here's to a new year!

'til next time,
Hannah xox

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