Wednesday 26 October 2016

First Month, Fresher's Flu and Homesickness

After a month at uni I've come to the conclusion that I think I'm going to enjoy it here. 

However, that doesn't mean that being here is at all easy. 

Aside from the cooking, money management, cleaning, laundry and doing a degree, just being in a new place has been hard enough recently. 

I've not experienced homesickness when away from home ever before. If I'm honest I didn't expect myself to struggle at all.

For the first few weeks it was pretty easy, but the last week or so I've hit a wall. 

I had a cold when I arrived at uni and it hasn't yet released me from it's grasp. I don't know if the relentless illness has played a role in my homesick feelings in the last week but I have a feeling it's been a contributing factor. 

Having Emetophobia is one of the things that made me most scared about living on my own. For anyone else who has it you'll know how scary it is to be away from your parents in this situation. So far I've managed to cope pretty well. 

Luckily, I've been surrounded by my lovely flatmates and friends from my course to help me through it and help me stay positive. 

I told myself before I moved to Sheffield that I would try and stay up here for the first term to get properly settled. I've managed to stick to that and I'm so proud of myself. 

There have been (very few) some days when I've wanted nothing more than to go back to my house, my room, my family and my 'normal'. 
But as each day goes by, this is becoming my normal. 

I've found keeping busy to be the best way to get over how I've been feeling and I am definitely feeling a lot more positive this week. 

I know it isn't meant to be easy and weeks 4-6 are renowned for being the hardest weeks for Freshers. 

We've also decided that we're just going to have to accept this new lower level of health as we're just not sure whether this ever lingering Fresher's flu is ever going to get better. 

Now I'm feeling more positive I feel as though it is definitely time to start getting more involved in more of the things uni life offers and I'm so excited!

But also in saying that, I'm also super excited to go home for Christmas.
There's no place like home. 

'til next time
Hannah xo

For those of you who don't know- My Emetophobia Post

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