Tuesday 12 April 2016

I Donated My Hair!

For a while now I have been thinking about cutting my hair.
For a lot of people this wouldn't be a big deal, I felt as though my hair was quite a big part of me and I really enjoyed having long hair.
I have been growing it since I had it cut short around 6 years ago and since then I haven't had more than the dead ends cut off every now and then. 

I heard about various charities that are involved with making wigs for children and adults who have suffered from illnesses that include hair loss and I have always thought they were really incredible charities doing a really amazing thing for amazing people. 

When thinking about going for a change with my hair I considered taking the donation path as I had a lot of hair to give! 

It sounds really vain but at first I was too scared to have my hair cut off, I'm not great with change and it's what I was used to! 
I really thought about it and decided that having my hair cut was really not a big deal. I take my hair for granted and I am lucky enough to be able to be in a position to give hair away. 

Hair is something that can define people, it gives you confidence. Having your hair done and making it look nice and trying new styles is something that almost everyone enjoys. Having these things that we all take for granted taken away from you without warning can cause pain that none of us could even imagine. No one should be made to feel different, and charities like this one help to make the lives of children who suffer from hair loss as a side effect of major treatment for illnesses such as cancer, to feel like themselves again.

Thinking about it from this angle was what made me sure that this was something I really wanted to do. 

I decided to donate my hair to the Little Princess Trust. 
It was really easy and their website provided all the information and guidelines to assist you in your donation. 

Here's a link: Little Princess Trust

It seems so simple but making a donation of something as simple as hair could make somebody so happy. 
If nothing else I'd say that's a good enough reason to do it! 

I have made a video about my donation with a few photos of before and some thoughts about it which you can find on my YouTube channel linked at the top of this page. 

I really hope that you will consider getting involved with such an amazing charity because it's honestly one of the best things I've done. 

'til next time
Hannah xo

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