Monday 2 February 2015

Surviving Silver Duke Of Edinburgh

Last summer I went on a 5 day expedition to the Lake District


I know, I know, hours of walking, camping and carrying heavy bags does not sound amazing.

BUT honestly, it was.

It was an incredible experience, the relationships you build with people are so strong and the laughs you have are awesome. 


There are a few things that kept me going during D of E that I probably wouldn't have made it without...

Here are:

My Top 10 Tips to Survive D of E:

1. Don't take lots of clothes - I know it's gross to wear the same clothes 3 days in a row but, being a bit gross for three days is much better than having an even heavier bag than is necessary. Yes, the weather is unpredictable so knowing what to pack is near impossible but what ever you do- DON'T PACK LOTS. 

2. Get Compeed Blister Pads- they are a little bit more expensive but they are so much more effective. I felt a blister forming on day 2 and that blister pad lasted me a good two days (including showers). They are so worth using and save you a lot of pain! ALSO: Apply them as soon as you suspect you might be getting a blister, whatever you do, don't wait until you're in pain. 

Your group will be thankful you all stopped when you're not crying and collapsing two hours later! 

3. Take snacks- whether you're into healthy eating or not (I'm not) this is an exceptional circumstance where eating sweets all day is totally OK. I also took lots of cereal bars and brioches. I highly recommend Jelly Babies and Nutella sandwiches. As well as them being high in sugar and good for energy- they also provoke happiness and smiling. Dependant on the weather, Boost bars are also incredibly effective (and delicious). Just think- all the walking you're doing is working it off anyway!

4. Take at least 3 pairs of socks- if your feet get wet, you're finished. Keep your feet warm and dry and the walking won't be a problem. 

5. Take easy food to cook- it may be boring and bland but trust me, packet food such as Mug Shots, pasta and sauce, porridge in sachets. Mainly things that you only have to mix with hot water, prove to be the easiest and lightest foods to carry and make. When there's torrential rain and wind, you don't wanna be outside your tent for more than 10 minutes! Don't make cooking difficult for yourself.

6. Try and sleep as early as possible- if you've eaten, tidied and are tucked up by 7pm, SLEEP. Staying up late will not make the next day any easier. Getting refreshed makes the days easier to handle, emotionally and physically. 

7. Take each day as it comes- if the hike ahead of you seems daunting, don't worry about it. You have to do it whether you want to or not so you might as well just try and enjoy it. Make it a laugh, support each other and get through it. Just keep thinking of your delicious Nutella sandwiches you can have at the top of that mountain!

8. Don't rush- you set off at around 8/9am every morning, and you don't have to be done by 9/10 at night. The walks take around 5-6 hours if you are really pacing them so don't try and rush it. You have hours. Just take it slow, have a leisurely walk and enjoy being outside! Take regular breaks for food and drink and enjoy yourselves. It is what you make it. 

9. Try and keep your phone turned off until you're at the top of a mountain- don't waste battery listening to music or trying to text when there isn't any signal. There will occasionally be signal on high ground for a quick phone home but don't run your phone down- you might need it! 

10. ENJOY IT! You and your friends have 5 days to explore and make some amazing memories. Its easy to be sad about carrying your bag or being tired or missing home but you only have 5 days. Make the most of it. 

I made some memories I will never forget, with some amazing people. 

It's not easy, but its possible! 

Watch my D of E Experience :

Tell me some of your D of E experiences or feel free to ask any questions! 

'til next time...

Hannah xoxoxo 

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