Wednesday 18 May 2016

Chocolate & Vanilla Cupcake Recipe

Throughout my two years at sixth form it has been a tradition in my tutor group that once a week someone is nominated to provide cake for the rest of the form.
As we only have 6 days left we have decided to have cake everyday until we leave for study leave.
Tomorrow is my day!

I decided to go all out as it is the last time I will be bringing cake for everyone so I thought I'd share with you my efforts and the recipe involved! 

I hope you enjoy.       

6oz Self Raising Flour
6oz Caster Sugar
6oz Butter
3 Eggs
Vanilla Essence
Cocoa Powder
Icing Sugar

Preheat the oven to 180°C

- I used an 'all-in-one' method which involves adding the butter, sugar, eggs and flour into the bowl and mixing them all together. I used an electric hand whisk but a wooden spoon will do! Once everything was mixed in I added a teaspoon of vanilla essence.

- Next I divided the cake mixture into two bowls and added cocoa powder to one bowl until the mixture looked chocolatey! I didn't use any measurements for this but I did add a little splash of milk to make sure the mixture didn't go too dry and dense! 

- The next thing to do is to divide your mixture into cake cases! These ingredients made 24 cupcakes, 12 of each flavour. 

- Place your baking trays in the oven for around 15 minutes. This is how long mine took but sometimes they might need a little longer! A good way to check if they're cooked is to poke a knife through the centre and if it is clean they're cooked, if there is cake mixture they might need 2-5 minutes more. 

-Whilst your cupcakes are cooking you can make a start on your icing! I love using butter-cream icing on cupcakes. I don't use measurements, I just add butter and icing sugar and mix them together. I'll keep adding icing sugar until the mixture is sweet enough! (Also means you get to keep tasting it!)

- I then went on to do the same with the icing as I did with the cake mix and divide it between bowls and add cocoa powder to one! 

-Once your cakes are fully cooled it's time to decorate! If you haven't got a piping bag then cutting the corner off a sandwich bag works just the same! (Also saves the washing up!)

- I found out very quickly that piping icing isn't as easy as it looks! I'm actually very pleased how these turned out as I'm not a particularly artistic person! I chose Cadbury's Twirl Bites and McVitie's Caramel Digestive Nibbles to decorate my cupcakes! 

So there we have it! 
Chocolate and Vanilla cupcakes, all ready for tomorrow.
Let's hope everyone enjoys them!

I hope you enjoyed this post, please let me know in the comments & let me know what other posts you'd like to see. 

'til next time,
Hannah xo