Wednesday 3 December 2014

Do What Makes You Happy

I don't want to sound cliché...but life is too short to live your life for other people.

I'm not going go all philosophical! But I do think it is important to look after yourself.

As a teenager I am far too easily influenced by my friends and other people around me, which isn't always necessarily a good thing.

But recently, I've started to stop caring what other people think and do what makes ME happy.

It has been a successful venture I give you that!

Top 5 Tips On: Looking After You 

1. The quicker you stop caring what people think, the easier it'll be to do what you want. It's good to have a good reputation for yourself and to be pleasant to people, but the moment people's opinions stand in the way of what you want to be/do...STOP. You don' need tha' kind of negativity gurl!

2. Take time out of whatever you're doing to allow yourself to do what you love. I taught myself to sing and play the piano, it took a lot of practice and perseverance, but despite people's comments I carried on. I always take time to learn a new song, especially at Christmas! Just adds some extra happiness to my day!

3. Don't be influenced by the media to force you into the shell of a 'perfect' person. There's no such thing. Don't be afraid of being unique, being different will get you further than just being another copy. All you hear is about how you should diet and work out and wear the highest end make up, which is a lifestyle choice not a guide. Everyone is different. As long as you're happy being who you are, that's all that matters. 

4. I know I say this a lot in my posts but, BALANCE SCHOOL AND YOUR OWN TIME. School is important I'm not saying it's not. But believe it or not, it's possible to do well and still have a social life and time for yourself. Too much work will get you down and having a negative mind won't allow you to work to your full potential. If you're having an unmotivated day, take some time out and relax, your motivation will come back! 

5. Life doesn't have a title. Your life is exactly what you make it, no one else, you. Give your life it's own title! Life is too short to hold yourself back, do everything you've ever dreamed of and do it NOW. 

Sorry for the preach, but I honestly think people let themselves get down when it'd be so easy to be happy! 

This is my opinion, 

Comment what you do to make yourself happy on a bad day!

'til next time

Hann xox