Tuesday 30 September 2014

Spotty Teens


We all hate them.

We all have them. 

Dealing with spots is probably one of the most irritating things to have to do as a teenager. 

They destroy your confidence and make you feel disgusting and there's nothing you can do about it. 

Or is there?

Here it goes...

Top 5 Ways To Prevent or Treat Spots:

1. Try and eat healthily- I know the feeling when all you want to do is curl up and eat chocolate, everyday right? Chocolate and other foods such as crisps, pizza, cake and burgers are all bad for your skin. They make your skin greasy which can lead to spots. DISAPPOINTING- I KNOW.

2. Don't squeeze, pick or touch your spots- despite how tempting it might be to just quickly pop the head off one that's caught your eye in the mirror that morning, don't. Touching and squeezing moves the bacteria within your spots that causes them to be transferred around your face resulting in more.


3. Don't cover with thick concealer or foundation- this only blocks your pores and makes it difficult for the spots to heal and will result in more.

4. If you do wear foundation, take it off properly at night- I recommend getting make up wipes and toner to thoroughly ex foliate your skin before bed allowing your skin to breathe at night. This will prevent grease building up and therefore prevent the dreaded zits.

And finally...

5. Blemish sticks (witch hazel) and other brands, ARE GODLY- after removing my make up at night I apply this God sent remedy to troubled areas (hair line and T zone mainly) and within a few days the worst has cleared up. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

I hope these tips helped and remember..

When you're staring in the mirror wondering 'Why me?'
Just remember one day, they'll go and you'll be even sexier.

'til next time

Hannah xxx